December 6, 2021
min read

Why Your Business NEEDS Digital Advertising

Dany Coutinho

A recent report by IAB found that, digital advertising in Australia jumped 24.2% to $11 billion in the year to June, the strongest growth seen since 2016.Should digital advertising be part of your marketing plan? The answer is YES. A business without a digital advertising strategy is like a plane with no pilot. All small businesses aim to grow. To achieve this goal, you need to make people aware of your brand. Whether it be through social media or ads such search ad and display ad campaigns, you need to have an effective digital marketing strategy.

Need some more convincing? Learn about out top 4 digital advertising benefits.

  1. Digital Advertising is Cost Effective

Digital advertising is a cost-effective form of marketing and can yield a high return on investment. For small businesses, cost is understandably a big deal. However, with digital advertising you can lower your overall campaign costs by optimising them as every result is measured. As a small business, you can use highly targeted strategies to compete with competitors. Compared to traditional advertising such as print, television and radio, digital advertising is inexpensive making it an attractive option for businesses with a small marketing budget, allowing your business to be placed on the same playing field with larger companies.

  1. Targeting Capabilities

Targeting capabilities through digital advertising is the key difference to traditional marketing. Digital advertising allows you to have total control over who can see the ad, allowing you to make sure your advertisement is only seen by those who would be/ are interested. With digital advertising, you can target people with specific interest, geographic, demographics and behaviours, a level that traditional advertising does not offer. By narrowing your audience and targeting potential customers specifically whether it is through SEO targeting and creating buyer persons or social media ads where you define your audience by age, gender, occupation, interests and more, it allows you to spend more budget effectively and attain more potential customers for your business.

  1. Digital Advertising can reach potential customers at every stage of the buying cycle.

Digital advertising can target and engage potential customers at each stage of the buying cycle, leading potential customers to your business. The stages of the buying cycle consist of awareness, research, consideration, conversions, and retention. When customers look for a service or product, it is important that your business makes an impact early. The benefits of digital advertising include being able to help you reach people at the start of the buying cycle. With the increasing time spent online by Australian consumers, it is highly common that people use the internet at the start of the buying journey. They look for what fulfils their needs and wants. If your business offers the service or product they need, it is the right time to make a positive impact. Your audience is already looking to learn more about this specific product or service. Utilising digital advertising, you can direct these potential customers to your website to provide them with the information required. Even if your campaign does not lead to conversions immediately, it will allow them to remember your business, offerings and make an impact on them early in the buying circle. As they come to the conversion stage, your company may be remembered as it made an impact on them early in the buying cycle.

  1. Ability to track and measure results

One of the most significant benefits of digital advertising is the ability to measure and track results of campaigns. As a small business, when you invest money into marketing, you want to know what is working and track the results of the campaign. Tracking results can lead to campaign improvements. In digital advertising, everything can be measured and therefore can be optimised to improve campaign results. By tracking metrics such as clicks, impressions, reactions and conversions, you can gain insight into your campaign and understand how to best effectively optimise your campaign to continue improvement. Having an overview of your digital campaign allows you to have total control of your sales funnels and the ability to pinpoint every source of traffic and how it is performing. By understanding how your targeted audience is reacting to your campaign, can assist you by maximising conversions and achieving the overall objective. Digital advertising can help your business earn more leads and conversions. You can experience the multiple advantages of digital advertising by investing in a variety of strategies.

Contact Sillyfish today on and we can help you grow your brand.

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